Romans 3:10-12
Bible Study - Christian Living

We Are a Hot Mess

We’ve dealt with some pretty harsh realities in the first few chapters of Romans. Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, humanity has been a hot mess on a crash course with the wrath of God. No one has gotten it right! Throughout history, we’ve been convinced that if we check the right boxes God will cut us some slack. But all along we’ve been in desperate need of an intervention.

Paul has one more point to make about our hopeless condition before he reveals the glorious rescue plan.

No one is righteous.

We may see ourselves as righteous when we tally up the good things we’ve done. Maybe others even agree with us. But it is not our own standard of righteousness or anyone else’s that matters. God sets the standard by which we will be judged and only the righteousness of Christ is sufficient to save us from judgment.

No one does good.

Admittedly, many people do good things. Throughout history, there have been stories of people who changed the world with their acts of kindness. But the Bible says that apart from Christ, our good deeds are filthy rags. God doesn’t just judge our external actions; He judges our internal motives. The only pure motive is the glory of God and the desire to obey and please Him, which is impossible apart from Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

No one seeks God.

People seek many things, but on their own, they do not seek God. They may seek the benefits of God – purpose, joy, peace, hope – but they do not seek God Himself. The truth is that the world is full of fugitives fleeing from God.

“It is only as a result of God’s work in the heart that anyone seeks Him.”

John MacArthur

So, if we’re all a hot mess in desperate need of intervention, what hope is there? Stay tuned for some of my favorite words in the Bible… But now God!

Are you eager for some good news? Me, too! And it’s coming.

Read ahead: Romans 3:21-31

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