• What Happens When We Blow It?

    The Gentiles in Rome had put their faith in Jesus. They had walked away from their godless lives and were trying to live lives that glorified God. However, the Jewish religious leaders insisted they follow a detailed set of rules to be considered righteous. You must be circumcised. You must…

  • We Are a Hot Mess

    We’ve dealt with some pretty harsh realities in the first few chapters of Romans. Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, humanity has been a hot mess on a crash course with the wrath of God. No one has gotten it right! Throughout history, we’ve been convinced that…

  • Stuff We’d Rather Not Talk About

    Don’t tune out, yet. I know we’re talking about things that make us squirm, but we can’t skip over the parts of the Bible that make us uncomfortable. Romans 1:24-32 is one of those passages. We don’t hear many sermons on it or see many pithy social media posts about…

  • Just as Bad as Them but Saved by Grace

    “Thank goodness we’re not that bad!” After Paul told the Roman Christians about mankind’s godless trajectory, he must have looked around at his audience and saw them nodding to each other as if to agree that “those people” were doomed for destruction. Many of the Christians in Rome were Jewish…

  • Escape the Wrath

    The further along we get on the timeline of human history, the further away from the One True God mankind moves. People are creating their own gods based on their lifestyle. Goodness and truth are relative. Evil and injustice abound. The world can’t go on like this forever. God is…