• What Happens When We Blow It?

    The Gentiles in Rome had put their faith in Jesus. They had walked away from their godless lives and were trying to live lives that glorified God. However, the Jewish religious leaders insisted they follow a detailed set of rules to be considered righteous. You must be circumcised. You must…

  • We Are a Hot Mess

    We’ve dealt with some pretty harsh realities in the first few chapters of Romans. Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, humanity has been a hot mess on a crash course with the wrath of God. No one has gotten it right! Throughout history, we’ve been convinced that…

  • Christ in Christmas – God’s Salvation Gift

    The things that are happening in the world around us are incredibly sad. Murders at the hands of terrorists almost daily. Pandemics sickening many. Freedoms once taken for granted at risk in the name of social improvement. And yet rather than falling on our knees and crying out to our…

  • Do you need a savior?

    Do you know that you have a date scheduled at the highest court to face the most superior judge? We all do. One day we will each come face-to-face with the Almighty God to hear the verdict on our life.  Are you prepared? How do you even get prepared? I…

  • Faith first, then works…

    Salvation comes through faith in the redeeming work of Christ on the cross. That’s the only way. Good works are evidence of a changed heart. Of the power of the Holy Spirit to make us new. There are no works that can be done in lieu of accepting Christ’s payment…