• What Happens When We Blow It?

    The Gentiles in Rome had put their faith in Jesus. They had walked away from their godless lives and were trying to live lives that glorified God. However, the Jewish religious leaders insisted they follow a detailed set of rules to be considered righteous. You must be circumcised. You must…

  • Let’s Talk About Saving Faith

    We’ve made it through the first few chapters of Romans, and now we know both the bad news and the good news. Sin separates us from God and destines us for wrath, but righteousness is available through faith in Christ for all who believe. Faith is the key, but what…

  • Finally Some Good News!

    If you’ve stuck with me up to this point, you’re probably ready to hear some Good News. I know I am! Paul has preached some hard truths so far. If you close the book of Romans too early, you’ll be overwhelmed by the dreadful bad news and miss the glorious…

  • We Are a Hot Mess

    We’ve dealt with some pretty harsh realities in the first few chapters of Romans. Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, humanity has been a hot mess on a crash course with the wrath of God. No one has gotten it right! Throughout history, we’ve been convinced that…

  • Fully Convinced – Faith Like Abraham

    To have faith is to trust in an outcome we can’t see. We have faith in things every day. We have faith that our alarm will wake us up in the morning. That our car will start so we can get to where we need to be. Every time we…