• We Are a Hot Mess

    We’ve dealt with some pretty harsh realities in the first few chapters of Romans. Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden, humanity has been a hot mess on a crash course with the wrath of God. No one has gotten it right! Throughout history, we’ve been convinced that…

  • When Forward Momentum is Threatened

    Have you ever been moving forward, on track and feeling good, when suddenly you experience a setback? You feel like you’ve veered off the road and you wonder if God is still there or if you left Him behind somewhere without realizing it. Doubt threatens your forward momentum, and you…

  • Mobilized, Not Paralyzed

    Nehemiah was minding his own business as the cupbearer to the king when he received word of how terribly things were going in his homeland, Jerusalem. The people were in great trouble and shame. The walls had been torn down and the gates had been destroyed by fire. Things were…