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When Forward Momentum is Threatened

Have you ever been moving forward, on track and feeling good, when suddenly you experience a setback? You feel like you’ve veered off the road and you wonder if God is still there or if you left Him behind somewhere without realizing it. Doubt threatens your forward momentum, and you are hesitant to take another step. When you face obstacles in your walk with Jesus, either of your own making or by forces outside of your control, don’t get stuck. Refocus on God. He is still there. He has not changed, and neither has His plan for your life.

When forward momentum is threatened, seek God!

In the story of the Exodus, Moses ran into a setback that threatened his forward momentum. The Israelites had blown it, he had interceded, and God had relented. But when it was time to move forward and continue their journey, Moses was not sure he could lead these stiff-necked people anywhere. God promised to go with him, but he needed reassurance. He had spent time in God’s presence, but he needed more. He needed a glimpse of God’s glory to sustain him on the journey. The Lord granted his request, and when He passed before Moses, He reminded Him who He is.

These attributes are still true of God today:

God is compassionate and gracious.

He hears the cries of His children, and He lovingly responds. Jesus demonstrated this perfectly when He walked the earth. His compassion and grace were evident in every love-filled interaction He had with people.

God is slow to anger.

Every sin, no matter how small, is an offense to the holy God. Yet despite all the evil and sin in the world, He is patiently withholding His righteous anger. God wants no one to perish. He wants everyone to repent and be saved. (2 Peter 3:9)

God is rich in faithful love and truth.

God’s love cannot be extinguished, and His truth will prevail. He loves us because He is love. There is nothing we can do to earn His love, and there is nothing that can ever separate us from His love. (Romans 8:38-39)

God forgives wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin.

Sin filled the earth when the devil unleashed it in the Garden of Eden. But God determined from the outset that He would provide a way for forgiveness. He sent His Son to pay the debt sin incurred so we could be reconciled to God. Through Jesus Christ, God forgives us and redeems us.

God is just.

Sin has consequences. Thankfully, in Christ, the consequences of sin will not be eternal, although they can impact our lives and sometimes even the lives of future generations. But God is a God of fresh starts and new beginnings. In Christ, we receive freedom and victory. In Christ, we can break the destructive patterns of sinful strongholds.  

God will fulfill His purpose for your life.

Hearing all this must have been comforting and reassuring to Moses. God reminded him who was in control. Their destination had already been determined, and God would see to it that they arrived.

The God who guided and provided for the Israelites on their journey is the same God we serve today. Don’t let setbacks threaten your momentum. Take comfort in His unwavering presence and His unchanging character and keep moving forward. He has already determined your journey and your destination. If you keep your eyes on Him and follow His lead, He will fulfill His purpose and plans for your life.

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of Your hands. – Psalm 138:8 ESV