• When Life Kind Of Stinks

    I’m taking a brief break from my Romans deep dive to share some practical advice from the Word of God on how not to fall apart when life kind of stinks. My husband recently had a health scare that led to more discoveries and we’re going on day five of…

  • Ten Keys to Being Thankful Always

    The Bible says to be thankful always. For many of us, our current situation makes that difficult. But know this: If God asks you to do it, He will show you how. King David wrote a thanksgiving song after bringing the Ark of God home to Jerusalem and in it,…

  • When Forward Momentum is Threatened

    Have you ever been moving forward, on track and feeling good, when suddenly you experience a setback? You feel like you’ve veered off the road and you wonder if God is still there or if you left Him behind somewhere without realizing it. Doubt threatens your forward momentum, and you…

  • Don’t Worry! God’s Got This!

    When the Israelites packed up and left Egypt, they thought they had seen the last of the Egyptians, but Pharoah wasn’t giving up that easily. God hardened his heart, and he changed his mind and came after them. When they saw the army closing in, they panicked and started grumbling…