Thankful. Always.
Christian Living - God's eternal plan - Holidays

Ten Keys to Being Thankful Always

The Bible says to be thankful always. For many of us, our current situation makes that difficult. But know this: If God asks you to do it, He will show you how.

King David wrote a thanksgiving song after bringing the Ark of God home to Jerusalem and in it, we see some keys to being thankful always:

1. Continually seek the Lord and His strength

It’s easy to get dragged down by the steady onslaught of bad news. Add to that your own personal struggles, and it can feel unbearable at times. But when you start to feel overwhelmed, get your eyes back on Jesus. If you are looking for hope in the things of this world, you will not find it. Keep your eyes on Jesus and your mind on the things of heaven.

2. Remember all that God has already done.

If you woke up today, you already have something to be thankful for. And if you start to make a list of the ways God has blessed you, you will quickly realize it’s longer than you think. If you catch yourself in the middle of a pity party for one, start to list your blessings and your attitude will shift to gratitude.

3. Remember God’s promises.

The Bible is full of promises from God for His children. In Jesus, they have all been fulfilled with a resounding “yes!” If your current circumstances seem hopeless, find a promise from the word of God to hold on to. Here are a few of my favorites:

4. Remember where God has brought you from,

I don’t know about you, but if I had remained on the trajectory I was on before I surrendered to Jesus, I would not be in a good place right now. I would be facing strongholds and struggles on my own, striving to break free and failing hopelessly. But today I face my struggles with the peace, hope, and strength of my Savior, and that is something to be thankful for!

5. and what He has saved you through.

Life happens. This world is not the paradise God intended. (Not yet!) But I can so clearly look back and see that every time life happened, God brought me through. Countless times. Despite my own best efforts at self-sabotage, God intervenes over and over again.

6. Tell others what God has done for you.

This is your “I was… but then… and now!” story. There’s something empowering about sharing your victory story, even and especially during another battle. Telling others what Jesus has done in your life solidifies it in your own soul. It’s a reminder for you and an encouragement for them.

7. Remember who God is.

God is good. Always. He can only be good. If you have put your faith in Jesus for salvation, then you are a child of God, and He is a good Father! He will not allow anything in your life that will not ultimately be for your good and His glory.

8. Remember God is in control.

When it seems as though things around you are spiraling out of control, remember God is still on the throne. He created the world and set it in motion. He knows the end from the beginning and has already proclaimed it. There is literally nothing in all of creation that is outside of His control.

9. Remember one day Jesus will return and right all the wrongs.

We know the end of the story. Jesus is coming back one day to take care of evil once and for all. If you’ve put your faith in Him, your eternity is secure and one day, there will be no more pain, disaster, or tears. None of the struggles you are dealing with at this moment are part of your eternal reality.

10. Remember that His faithful love endures forever.

There is nothing that can ever separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus. When it seems like the whole world is working against you, remember this: God loves you! He loves you every second of every day no matter what you may be going through. Whether or not you feel His love, it is a reality that will never change. His faithful love endures forever!

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV

There are many reasons to be thankful always, and they are all wrapped up in one incredible truth. God is good! Only good! Always good!