Not ashamed of the gospel!
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Are You Ready and Willing to Talk About Jesus?

Have you ever looked back on an encounter with someone and realized you missed an opportunity to tell them about Jesus? That you weren’t quite ready, or maybe not quite willing?

Recently I was in the checkout lane at Target and the woman behind the counter started telling me about her life and how she felt as though she was drowning. I listened sympathetically and offered encouraging words as she shared her story. I even told her she should come to church on Sunday. And when she said, “Yeah. I need to find God again,” I smiled and said, “You’ll find him.” Then I promised I’d pray for her and went on my way.

The further I got from the checkout line, the more I realized I had missed an opportunity! Sure, I listened sympathetically and promised to pray for her, and I have in the days since our encounter. But why didn’t I say a quick prayer with her right there? It would have been way out of my comfort zone but it could’ve changed everything. And sure, I invited her to church, but why didn’t I offer to meet her at the front door on Sunday morning? Will she really just show up by herself because some lady at Target told her to?

In this big crazy world full of people, God’s primary concern is lost souls, and He has chosen to use you and me to reach them. He prepares hearts and clears paths, and then He sends us to share the Good News of hope in Jesus Christ. As His beloved children, we have this precious treasure that the lost and hurting world desperately needs. We just have to be ready and willing to share.

Acts 8:26-40

Philip was ready and willing! After his work in Samaria, God had another mission for him. There was a eunuch from Ethiopia who needed to hear the gospel, and when God told Philip to “go,” he didn’t try to figure out if it fit his schedule or comfort zone, he just listened and obeyed.

I’m reminded of a few important things when I read this story:
1 – Be ready and willing to be interrupted.

How often am I too busy and too distracted to notice people God brings into my life? My schedule is set and there’s not much wiggle room on my calendar. Philip probably had other plans before an angel of the Lord showed up with instructions. His “to-do” list probably did not include “go south on the desert road.” But when God said “go,” Philip did not hesitate.

2 – Step out of your comfort zone.

The further our culture moves away from God, the more pushback I can expect when I proclaim the name of Jesus. If I wait for it to be easy, I’ll miss a lot of difficult but amazing opportunities. Philip may not have decided to approach a stranger on the road on his own, but when the Holy Spirit prompted him, he ran over and began a conversation.

3 – Meet people where they are.

I need to listen to people. I need to try to understand or at least empathize with their struggles so that I can offer them real, transformational truth that will change their eternal trajectory. The Ethiopian traveler knew of God, and he even knew of God’s word. In fact, he was reading it when Philip encountered him. The eunuch was searching for truth, and Philip had it.

4 – Don’t miss the opportunity.

I need to slow down and tune in. I need to pay attention to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and be ready and willing to obey. God arranged this meeting between Philip and the eunuch for the exact time and the perfect location. If Philip had not gone when prompted or if he had made a detour along the way, he would’ve missed the chance to share the good news.

5 – Remember the main thing.

I don’t need to have a Theology degree or wait until I’ve memorized all the right Bible verses to share the hope of Jesus. I just need to share what I know. God will take care of the rest. The eunuch knew of God, but he did not know about Jesus. He did not know that God had made a way for him to be saved and to have a personal relationship with the God he worshipped. That was the message Philip needed to share. That was the reason God had sent him.

God wants to use you. Are you ready and willing?

Our God is the Master Project Manager who is sovereign over all the details. He works in us and through us, prompting and empowering us to spread the gospel, and He works in the hearts of people who need to hear it. There is a whole harvest of souls out there who need to hear about Jesus, and we have been chosen to deliver the Message. Like Philip, let’s be ready and willing!

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes – the Jew first and also the Gentile. – Romans 1:16 NLT

Honestly, my encounter with Jess at Target went better than it would have a few years ago. Even inviting her to church and offering to pray for her stretched my “go” muscles. But if I ever see her again or have a similar encounter with someone, I hope I don’t hold back. I hope I’ll be ready and willing to talk about Jesus like Philip was.