• God’s Gospel: The Power to Save

    Romans 1:1-17 Paul was eager to get to Rome to encourage the Roman believers and be encouraged by them. Even in the face of opposition and persecution, the report of their faith had spread far and wide. So, while he waited for the opportunity to meet them face to face,…

  • Romans: The Foundations of our Faith

    “God has richly blessed those who have devoted themselves to the study of this book.” R.C. Sproul The book of Romans was written in approximately 57 A.D. by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome. It includes doctrine and duty, theology and practice, and understanding and application. It tells…

  • Are You Ready and Willing to Talk About Jesus?

    Have you ever looked back on an encounter with someone and realized you missed an opportunity to tell them about Jesus? That you weren’t quite ready, or maybe not quite willing? Recently I was in the checkout lane at Target and the woman behind the counter started telling me about…

  • Unashamed & Unafraid Because the Gospel is True

    One of the stories in the Bible that really gets to me is the story of Simon Peter’s denial. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest friends, yet when Jesus was arrested Peter denied even knowing Him. I can’t imagine how Peter must have felt when the rooster crowed and he…

  • Life-Changing Encounter

    John 4 As Jesus’ following grew, so did the opposition. The Pharisees didn’t like His message and a confrontation with them was brewing, but that didn’t stop Jesus’ mission. He continued to travel around meeting people and changing lives. On His way to Galilee, Jesus had to travel through Samaria.…