Unashamed & Unafraid
Evangelism - Revival

Unashamed & Unafraid Because the Gospel is True

One of the stories in the Bible that really gets to me is the story of Simon Peter’s denial. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest friends, yet when Jesus was arrested Peter denied even knowing Him. I can’t imagine how Peter must have felt when the rooster crowed and he realized he had done exactly what he swore to Jesus he’d never do. Jesus was on trial for His life, and Peter’s final act was to betray him bitterly. Ugh!

Despite everything Peter knew about Jesus, when he faced the scorn of others he caved into shame and fear. Thankfully, Jesus didn’t hold it against him. Peter was given a fresh start and he spent the rest of his life proclaiming the name of Jesus, unashamed and unafraid. (Read the book of Acts to see how Peter and the other disciples spoke of Jesus everywhere they went.)

Like Peter, the Apostle Paul was also given a fresh start. He had been busy persecuting Christians and trying to stop the spread of the gospel when he came face to face with Jesus and everything changed. From that moment on, Paul was unashamed and unafraid to tell the whole world about Jesus Christ.

Paul was confident and bold about the gospel because he knew of its power to save.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it God’s righteousness is revealed… – Romans 1:16-17 ESV

The Greek word translated in this verse as “ashamed” refers to someone being singled out because they misplaced their confidence or support. Essentially, they believed the big lie.

The enemy will use any tactic he can to silence us. He will find our vulnerable areas and pierce us with lies that lead to doubt and discouragement. If he succeeds, our confidence vanishes, and we feel woefully unprepared to face the scorn of a God-hating world.

It’s easy to feel singled out when we live out our faith or attempt to share the gospel. But when we feel that tinge of shame, we must remember that our confidence and support come from our Savior. We can be unashamed and unafraid proclaimers of the gospel because it is God’s message. Whether the rest of the world believes it or not, and even when we ourselves have doubts, the gospel message will always be true!

The Gospel Message:

We have all sinned and the wages of sin is death. (Romans 3:23, 6:23)

God loved you so much that He devised a plan for your salvation. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

He sent His only Son to be the perfect sinless sacrifice in your place. (Romans 5:8)

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9

Then Christ’s righteousness becomes your righteousness, and you are born into the family of God. The promises of God become yours and one day Jesus will return to bring you home with Him for eternity. (John 14:3)

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