• Life-Changing Encounter

    Stephen had been murdered for sharing the truth. The apostles had been scattered throughout the region. Philip was converting and baptizing people. The gospel was gaining ground. And there was Saul, desperately trying to stop it! Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord.…

  • Are You Ready and Willing to Talk About Jesus?

    Have you ever looked back on an encounter with someone and realized you missed an opportunity to tell them about Jesus? That you weren’t quite ready, or maybe not quite willing? Recently I was in the checkout lane at Target and the woman behind the counter started telling me about…

  • Five Steps to Help You Go For It!

    Things get exciting as we continue to follow Philip’s story in the Book of Acts. God had a mission for Philip, and Philip was all in and ready to go for it! As for Philip, an angel of the Lord said to him, “Go south down the desert road that…

  • A Revival and a Renegade

    Word about Jesus’ resurrection and the good news of salvation was spreading fast in Jerusalem, but not everyone was happy about it. And as the persecution intensified, the disciples scattered. About thirty miles north, in the city of Samaria, people were eager to hear the good news and to see…

  • What Would You Do in Stephen’s Shoes?

    What would you do in Stephen’s shoes? He was causing quite a stir by performing miracles and signs among the people. Then he was arrested and brought before the Jewish leaders where he boldly spoke an uncomfortable truth they did not want to hear: “You stubborn people! You are heathen…