Psalm 32:8
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Five Steps to Help You Go For It!

Things get exciting as we continue to follow Philip’s story in the Book of Acts. God had a mission for Philip, and Philip was all in and ready to go for it!

As for Philip, an angel of the Lord said to him, “Go south down the desert road that runs from Jerusalem to Gaza.” So he started out… – Acts 8:26-27 NLT

Philip’s call was obvious and specific. There was no question it was from God because there was an angel standing in front of him. And there was no wondering about his next steps because the instructions were very clear. But what do you do when God doesn’t send an angel? How can you move forward with a decision, confident it’s the will of God?

Here are five things you can do that will help you “go for it” with confidence:

1 – Know God’s revealed, written word – the Bible.

When you know the Bible, you know God. As you understand His character and see His story unfolding, you will be able to recognize when ideas and plans line up with who He is and how He works.

2 – Pray, wait, and listen.

Ask God what He wants you to do! He is your loving Heavenly Father and if you pray for wisdom, He will provide it. As you pray, wait patiently for His answer. It may come loud and clear as you sense Him speaking to you. Or it may be a slow and soft whisper that gives you peace about your decision.

3 – Follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Your conscience. Your inner guide.

When you made Jesus your Lord and Savior, God sent His Spirit to dwell in you. It is His Spirit that counsels you, convicts you, and prompts you to do that which glorifies Him. But know this: God’s Spirit will never direct you in a manner that is contrary to God’s Word.

4 – Seek godly counsel.

You should always have people in your life who know the Lord and know you. Godly counsel offers an outside perspective that can confirm your decision or give you a different point of view to consider.

5 – Recognize when your circumstances align with your God-given talents, desires, and resources.

God is the master Project Manager, and nothing happens in your life by chance. You were created and chosen in advance for a plan and a purpose laid out before your life began. He has provided all that you have to be used for His Kingdom. God will not assign you a mission He did not create you to accomplish.

Wisely consider your options. Why do you feel led to do (or not do) something? Does it line up with God’s word? Does it line up with the passions, talents, and opportunities He has given you? Is it a wise stewardship of your talents and treasures? Do others you trust agree? Have you prayed about it and sensed God’s direction?

If you can answer “yes” to these questions, it is time to act! Don’t let the enemy creep in and convince you your decision needs more analysis. He would love nothing more than for you to remain frozen in indecision.

Make a confident decision after considering these five steps, go for it! God will use it!

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. – Psalm 32:8 ESV