• Is Freedom Your Reality?

    The Word of God is an incredible blessing full of stories of real people with real struggles. In their stories, we see God move in the lives of His people and in the world around them. We see His promises fulfilled, His faithfulness displayed, and His power revealed. We gain…

  • Will You Still Trust God No Matter What?

    God had wonderful things in store for His people when their freedom journey began, but it would take faith and obedience on their part. Would they depend on Him alone no matter what they faced? Would they trust God enough to be obedient even when things got tough? Right from…

  • Don’t Worry! God’s Got This!

    When the Israelites packed up and left Egypt, they thought they had seen the last of the Egyptians, but Pharoah wasn’t giving up that easily. God hardened his heart, and he changed his mind and came after them. When they saw the army closing in, they panicked and started grumbling…

  • Don’t Linger in Captivity

    When we pick back up in the Exodus story, the Israelites had gotten ready to go as the Lord had commanded. They had covered their doorposts with the blood of a spotless lamb as a sign for the death angel to Passover their home. God had made a distinction between…

  • God is Working in the Waiting

    Deliverance from strongholds and struggles doesn’t always happen overnight, but God is working in the waiting. As the Israelites remained under oppression, they must have wondered what God was up to. They had heard His promise of freedom, but what was taking so long? They watched Him send plague after…