If elections teach us anything, it is that we cannot put our hope in any human being. Our candidate may lose and crush our hopes, or he may win and fail to live up to them. After all, he is only human.
During the ugliness of this election and the uncertainty of what the country will look like in the months and years to come, I needed some joy and encouragement infused into my soul. So, I turned to the book of Philippians and I was not disappointed.
Here I discovered some nuggets of truth to hold on to regardless of what happens next.
Live your life in a matter worthy of the gospel of Christ. – In the midst of all the hatred and anger, Christ-followers should be the most loving and gracious people out here. Our words and our actions towards others must reflect those of our Savior, Jesus.
Move forward, focusing on one goal. – Regardless of who the president is, our mission has not changed. We are called to love people and spread the gospel. God is working in us to accomplish His good purpose.
Have an attitude like Christ. – Attitude matters. It affects everything around us. We are to be humbly obedient to God’s will and to do everything without grumbling or complaining. We should be shining like stars in this dark world.
Hold firmly. – As unsteady as things may seem in the world around us, we have hope in an unwavering Savior and a citizenship in heaven. Stay in the Word. Spend time with God. And trust that His purposes will always prevail.
Rejoice in the Lord…always. – Even if the candidate you voted for loses the election, rejoice in the Lord. Our joy comes from His eternal promise not our temporary circumstance.
Watch out! – Do not be ignorant of the devil’s schemes. The closer we get to the return of Christ the harder the devil will work to try to interfere. He won’t succeed, of course, but we must be aware so he doesn’t gain a foothold in our life.
Nothing else matters. – The salvation of souls is the most important thing! That is why Jesus died! We must never forget that is the end goal!
Transformation is coming. – This is not how the story ends! Jesus is coming back and one day the earth and everything in it will be made new.
Don’t worry. Be content! – The God of the universe is in control! He is in control of world events and He is in control of your life. Nothing happens that takes Him by surprise, and He is working it all out for your ultimate good. Hang in there!
Remember to keep your eyes on Jesus and not to let the chaos around you shake your foundation! It is all playing out exactly as God intends it to!