• Have You Heard the Gospel?

    There is a world full of hurting people who are searching for hope and purpose. There are people everywhere who don’t know they can be rescued and redeemed in this life and for eternity. My number one priority as a follower of Christ is to share the gospel. To tell…

  • Regardless of What Happens Next

    If elections teach us anything, it is that we cannot put our hope in any human being. Our candidate may lose and crush our hopes, or he may win and fail to live up to them. After all, he is only human. During the ugliness of this election and the…

  • Easter – The Ultimate Demonstration of Hope

    Easter is the ultimate demonstration of hope! On the heels of what looked like the worst defeat came the best victory. Jesus’ followers had bet everything on Him. They left their old lives behind to be all in with Him. Jesus had convinced them that following Him would place them…