• Make it All Matter or it Won’t Matter At All

    When you reflect on your life and all you have accomplished, do you wonder if any of it matters? King Solomon did. He had become the richest, wisest, and most successful man on earth, but he reached the end of his life and called it all meaningless. He was surrounded…

  • Regardless of What Happens Next

    If elections teach us anything, it is that we cannot put our hope in any human being. Our candidate may lose and crush our hopes, or he may win and fail to live up to them. After all, he is only human. During the ugliness of this election and the…

  • Focus on Jesus!

    Do you ever notice how easy it is to take your eyes off of Jesus? Life comes at you and all the things popping up in your peripheral capture your attention and fix your eyes on your circumstance rather than your Savior. Now your whole attitude changes! You become worried…

  • Turning a critical spirit into a praising spirit

    Recently, I heard a pastor on the radio mention someone having a “critical spirit” and I wondered if that is something that would be said about me.  I don’t want to be someone with a critical spirit, so if I am, I want to get that cleared up right away!…

  • You get what you put in!

    “The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” – Luke 6:38 The context of this verse is referring to how we treat other people.  Jesus was teaching his disciples that what they received in life would be directly impacted by what they gave.  We should not expect…