
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord Will Provide

We first see the name Jehovah Jireh (the Lord will provide) when Abraham was on his way to the altar with his son, Isaac. This was the son that God had said He would make a great nation out of. The very son that had been promised and then miraculously provided to Abraham and Sarah. And now God was asking Abraham to sacrifice the son of promise.

As Abraham and Isaac made their way to the altar, Isaac noticed that they had everything they needed for the sacrifice except the lamb. When he asked his father about this, Abraham confidently proclaimed with faith that God would provide it.

Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” – Genesis 22:8 (CSB)

Abraham’s faith in God’s provision was unwavering. He knew that God had a wonderful plan for Isaac and He would not go back on His promise. He knew that God would intervene, even if he had no idea how. And he was ready and willing to surrender even his greatest blessing, his promised son. So he bound Isaac and placed him on the altar, in obedience to God and with complete trust in His provision. Then just in the nick of time, God provided!

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above. – James 1:17 (The Amplified Translation)

In the same way that God blessed Abraham with the son of promise, He has given you and I many good things. Are we ready and willing to surrender them into God’s capable hands? Whether it is our marriage, our children, our health, our job, or any other blessing that God has given us – are we willing to place it on the altar before God because we trust in His sovereign plan? God is the faithful provider. He will always provide what He knows we need at the very moment He knows we need it.
