• Abundantly Blessed to Faithfully Give

    Every time I read the Exodus story and shake my head at the misguided choices of the Israelites in the wilderness, I am quickly reminded of how much my own story mirrors theirs. They had been rescued, redeemed, and abundantly blessed, yet no matter how much God showed Himself to…

  • Thanksgiving: A Way of Life

    Thanksgiving was not a new idea that originated with the Pilgrims. God’s people throughout history regularly gave thanks and acknowledged His gracious provisions. They praised Him even during times of famine, war, exile, and persecution because they had seen His faithfulness and they knew He would come through. “Give thanks…

  • Do You Still Trust Me?

    Though he falls he will not be overwhelmed because the Lord holds his hand. – Psalm 37:24 CSB Not in my lifetime have things seemed so uncertain. What does the future of the country look like? Will we or someone we love get sick? If we do, will we survive?…

  • Jehovah Jireh – The Lord Will Provide

    We first see the name Jehovah Jireh (the Lord will provide) when Abraham was on his way to the altar with his son, Isaac. This was the son that God had said He would make a great nation out of. The very son that had been promised and then miraculously…

  • Be all in for Jesus!

    It’s exciting to read Jesus’ letter to the church in Philadelphia. Finally, we see a church that was on the right track and Jesus only had good things to say about the way they were living. He had placed before them the open door of salvation and once they walked…