Have you ever been moving forward, on track and feeling good, when suddenly you experience a setback? You feel like you’ve veered off the road and you wonder if God is still there or if you left Him behind somewhere without realizing it. Doubt threatens your forward momentum, and you…
Will You Still Trust God No Matter What?
God had wonderful things in store for His people when their freedom journey began, but it would take faith and obedience on their part. Would they depend on Him alone no matter what they faced? Would they trust God enough to be obedient even when things got tough? Right from…
God Will Make a Way
Sometimes the oppression we feel when the enemy is at work is enough to paralyze us in fear. We can barely face our struggles and strongholds because they seem too overwhelming. The reality of our current situation is more than we can handle in our human strength. In those moments,…
Don’t Worry! God’s Got This!
When the Israelites packed up and left Egypt, they thought they had seen the last of the Egyptians, but Pharoah wasn’t giving up that easily. God hardened his heart, and he changed his mind and came after them. When they saw the army closing in, they panicked and started grumbling…
A Godless Trajectory with Eternal Consequences
The trajectory of an object is the path it follows once it has been launched. A path dictated only by the laws of motion, gravity, and possibly resistance. Our godless trajectory was launched with the original sin in the Garden of Eden. Since then, our free will and sinful nature…