
Still Celebrating the Risen Savior

During Holy Week I often reflect on what it must have been like for Jesus’ followers. They experienced a whole lot of confusing emotions as their Lord went through His final week on earth.

He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, celebrated by everyone with shouts of “Hosanna!” He shared a supper with them talking about His broken body and His shed blood. He was arrested, beaten, and crucified before their eyes.

Now it is Sunday morning and the women that loved Him wanted to give Him a proper burial so they made their way to the tomb. When they arrived, it was empty and an angel announced to them that Jesus was alive!

“He has been risen from the dead. In fact, He is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see Him there.” – Matthew 28:7 (CSB)

The women must have tripped over each other rushing to Galilee to see their risen Lord! And then Jesus met them on their way. “Good morning!” He greeted them. What a good morning it was!

Eventually all of His disciples gathered in Galilee and received their marching orders from their Savior:

“Go and tell everyone!”

Today we celebrate the day that the tomb was found empty — but every day we celebrate the wonderful truth that JESUS IS ALIVE!

And our marching orders remain the same. Go and tell everyone!