• Things may be a mess, but remember Jesus!

    With all that is going on in the world around us, it’s hard not to get bogged down with fear and despair. That is exactly what our enemy is hoping we will do. Fear paralyzes. Despair immobilizes. He knows we will have little impact on the world if we are…

  • Jesus Showed Up and That Changed Everything

    It’s hard to imagine the level of joy and hope Jesus’ followers felt when they encountered the risen Lord. They had been crushed by His arrest, torture, and death. They were scared, confused, hopeless, and lost. Nothing mattered anymore. Then Jesus showed up! Jesus showed up in their fear and…

  • Still Celebrating the Risen Savior

    During Holy Week I often reflect on what it must have been like for Jesus’ followers. They experienced a whole lot of confusing emotions as their Lord went through His final week on earth. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, celebrated by everyone with shouts of “Hosanna!” He shared…