
You get what you put in!

“The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” – Luke 6:38

The context of this verse is referring to how we treat other people.  Jesus was teaching his disciples that what they received in life would be directly impacted by what they gave.  We should not expect to receive blessings if we aren’t willing to be a blessing.  Clearly, this lesson is an important one! But when I read this verse today, I thought of another application for my life. Specifically, as it relates to my attitude.

You get out what you put in!

I begin each day with Jesus – in prayer and in the Word.  I feel good.  Ready to glorify him in all I do.  Resolving to be better today than I was yesterday.  Thankful for another fresh start.  A smile on my face and a pep in my step!  But in no time at all, the day-to-day struggles come in and start to derail me. I’m not proud to admit that too often I let them! Before I know it, I’m focusing a lot more on all of the bummers in my life than I am on all of the blessings.  I am quickly moving from “Praise God!” to “Life stinks!”  My attitude takes a nosedive and the rest of my day starts to follow.

You get what you put in! I need to stop and think back to the moments I spent with Jesus at the beginning of my day.  All of the things I knew were true then are still true even if my circumstances seem to be contradicting them. If I continue to allow my attitude to convince me that life stinks, then life is going to stink!  If instead I turn my focus back to Jesus, there’s no way I won’t be back to praising God.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. – Philippians 4:8