Psalm 11:3
Christian Living - Current Events - politics - Revival

We’ve Been Liberated! But Have We Really?

The further America gets from Biblical values, the more the foundations that once held us up are crumbling. We’ve been liberated, but liberated from what? Suddenly morality is relative. There is no longer a true north from which or towards which we move. We decide for ourselves what is good based on how we feel. We may pull a little bit of our morality from the Bible, but we footnote it with exceptions:

You shall not murder… unless you wind up with an unplanned pregnancy.

You shall not commit adultery … unless your spouse doesn’t make you feel good and someone else does.

You shall not steal… unless it’s from the government or some big, greedy corporation.

You shall not lie …unless it’s expedient to do so. Plus, isn’t truth relative anyway?

You shall not covet… unless you feel you deserve something that someone else has.

We pick apart the words of Jesus, eager to quote the ones that fit into our lifestyle but conveniently ignoring the ones that call us out.

We’re recreating what God created and redesigning what God designed. Now gender is a “social construct” based on how we feel, and marriage and family are whatever we want them to be because “love is love.”

We’ve been liberated! But have we?

“We don’t have principles, we have preferences.” – R.C. Sproul

The enemy is crafty. He knew he had to play the long game, and he snuck in and infiltrated society when Christ-followers weren’t paying attention. But his tactics are not new. He’s using the same approach he did with Eve in the Garden: “Did God really say?” And the rest was history.

Now here we are in desperate need of a revival but moving further and further away from one.

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Stay on mission. Remain in the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment so you do not fall for the delusion. Love your neighbors. Do good. Be holy as God is holy. And keep your eyes on Jesus. God has a plan, and it will come to pass.