• Prepare to be Uncomfortable

    As the gospel of Jesus Christ began to spread after Jesus’ resurrection, things got uncomfortable for His disciples. They were imprisoned, threatened, and warned to stop. But they had experienced incredible transformation in Christ. They were witnesses to all He had done when He walked the earth. They were witnesses…

  • When God is on the Move

    After the faulty intentions of Ananias and Sapphira led to disaster, the apostle’s ministry continued. God was on the move and lives were being transformed. As the message of salvation spread, opposition grew. The religious leaders were jealous and didn’t want to hear it anymore. They had tried to warn…

  • Jesus is Coming Back – Wait With Hope and Live Differently

    It’s hard to imagine the level of emotions Jesus’ friends experienced in the weeks after their last Passover together. They went from being heartbroken when He was murdered to hopeful when He rose again. For forty days they celebrated their risen Lord and waited for Him to overthrow the Roman…

  • Another Senseless Tragedy. People Need Jesus!

    Here we are again struggling with the news of another senseless tragedy that claimed the lives of too many innocent young children, and we can’t help but ask, “Why?!” Why do we keep seeing so much hatred and death? How does this level of evil exist?! Sure, there has always…

  • Grace is the Starting Point – How Should We Respond?

    Right off the bat in Romans, Paul tells us grace is the starting point! The Greek word here translated “grace” is charis and it means a gift, blessing, or favor freely offered by Jesus. God’s grace provides all we need to accomplish His purpose and it has been freely and…