• God’s Gospel: The Power to Save

    Romans 1:1-17 Paul was eager to get to Rome to encourage the Roman believers and be encouraged by them. Even in the face of opposition and persecution, the report of their faith had spread far and wide. So, while he waited for the opportunity to meet them face to face,…

  • Love of God Manifest in a Manger

    For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16 ESV God has always loved us. Not just the best of us, but all of us. He created us in His image. He…

  • Is it Too Good to Be True?

    Once again, the truth was more than the religious leaders could handle. On the morning of the third day, they received word that the body of Jesus had vanished. They remembered He said He would rise from the dead. That was why they had fortified His tomb with Roman soldiers…

  • There is Only One Truth and Jesus Died for It

    The excitement of Sunday had come and gone. Jesus had finished His preaching tour. Judas had betrayed Him. His disciples had scattered. He had been beaten and spit on by the Jewish leaders. And now it was Friday, and He was on trial before the governor of Judea. Pilate didn’t…

  • When God is on the Move

    After the faulty intentions of Ananias and Sapphira led to disaster, the apostle’s ministry continued. God was on the move and lives were being transformed. As the message of salvation spread, opposition grew. The religious leaders were jealous and didn’t want to hear it anymore. They had tried to warn…