“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” If someone asked you that, how would you answer? I would probably ask for the bad news first hoping the good news would soften the blow. That’s how Paul presented his message to the Christians in Rome. After making…
Just as Bad as Them but Saved by Grace
“Thank goodness we’re not that bad!” After Paul told the Roman Christians about mankind’s godless trajectory, he must have looked around at his audience and saw them nodding to each other as if to agree that “those people” were doomed for destruction. Many of the Christians in Rome were Jewish…
Good & Evil Are Not Interchangeable!
The next two churches that Jesus addressed were the lenient and compromising churches in Pergamum and Thyatira. Pergamum was a center of education and culture where the brightest of the brightest lived. The city was filled with idols and even the Roman emperor was seen as a god. Thyatira, on…
Vindication will come!
As we hear more and more stories of Christians being persecuted for their faith, the word “vindicate” has a nice ring. Certainly for the martyrs that are imprisoned and put to death for refusing to deny Christ, but also for the people in free nations that lose their livelihood and…
Ready for Battle
It is becoming more and more apparent that Christians are in a fierce battle against the tide of moral decay. And although it may feel like we are fighting against other people, the Bible makes it clear that our fight is not against flesh & blood. We are fighting against…