• Access Granted

    The Throne Room of God (Revelation 4)… what an awesome place that must be! Sometimes when I pray, I imagine that I am being escorted in by Jesus to present my requests to the Father. As I approach, I hear the chorus of praise coming from inside. The door opens…

  • Will We Be Different?

    I keep thinking that I wish life would go back to “normal” but what does “normal” look like? And is that what God wants? After all, He has allowed us to be shaken for a reason. We’ve been given a new perspective and our priorities have been realigned. Where we…

  • Revelation Wrap-Up … A Happy Ending!

    The events foretold in the book of Revelation are amazing. To think that when the Apostle John wrote this letter 2,000 years ago, much of what he described was not even fathomable to the readers of that day. But as the end of human history on this earth draws closer,…

  • The Grandest Wedding of All Time

    People spend a lot of time and money planning their wedding. Beautiful gowns, decadent floral arrangements, and elaborate photo shoots are the focus as they plan for their big day. When the rich and famous get married, the public eye is intently watching the extravagant details of their wedding unfold.…

  • Don’t get sucked in!

    As I watch the events of Revelation unfold and see the end of the story come into focus, I feel sad for the people that will get sucked into the deception of the last days and fall right along with the final world empire. I look around at the world…