• What the next generation needs to know

    As we look at the current election and collectively grieve the two choices we’re faced with, it can almost seem like we have no hope. Those of us that have come of age in the current generation have watched the country deteriorate before our eyes. Unfortunately, I believe the key…

  • Wait

    The Bible is full of stories of real-life people with real-life circumstances from which we can learn. Sometimes we may get a lesson in what not to do, but often we can see a good example of what we should do. One of the heroes of the Bible that really…

  • Praise God!

    Why do we praise God?  Is it because he needs it?  Does he need our praise, the praise of human beings that he created? Is it somehow meant to boost his ego or increase his confidence?  Hardly!  If we decide not to praise him, he’ll still be praised.  The heavenly…