• Prayer – I’m not on my own!

    I have a prayer journal. Actually, I have a prayer book and a prayer journal. My prayer book is full of regular, ongoing prayers that I have accumulated over the years for my life, my family, our leaders, pastors, etc. Many of them are Psalms and other Bible verses that I use…

  • Refined by our trials

    For You, God, tested us; You refined us as silver is refined…we went through the fire and water, but You brought us out to abundance. – Psalm 66:10,12 CSB What if we started to think about how the struggles we go through are refining us? In our sin nature, we…

  • God Will Always Show Up

    Do you ever wonder if God takes a day off? If there is ever a time when He decides that He’s seen enough and heard enough? If one day He’s going to ignore it all and decide just not to show up? After all, His people (the Israelites, the Church,…

  • What the next generation needs to know

    As we look at the current election and collectively grieve the two choices we’re faced with, it can almost seem like we have no hope. Those of us that have come of age in the current generation have watched the country deteriorate before our eyes. Unfortunately, I believe the key…