Every time I read the Exodus story and shake my head at the misguided choices of the Israelites in the wilderness, I am quickly reminded of how much my own story mirrors theirs. They had been rescued, redeemed, and abundantly blessed, yet no matter how much God showed Himself to…
How Do I Parent My Teenager?!?
(Originally published on TheWarCry.org) Parenting is a lot scarier when our children are teenagers. Sure, each stage has its scary parts. When they are babies, we watch them sleep to make sure they’re still breathing. When they’re toddlers, we child-proof our home to keep them safe. When they’re old enough…
What are you waiting for?
He who watches the wind [waiting for all conditions to be perfect] will not sow [seed] and he who looks at the clouds will not reap [a harvest]. – Ecclesiastes 11:4 AMP Has God put something on your heart that you know He wants you to get moving on? Has…
Moving Forward
God created us to be exactly who we are. He created you to be you, and me to be me. He gave us each the passions and talents that fuel our goals and dreams. He prepares the way for us, providing opportunities and presenting obstacles, always with the goal of…
Never too late
Sometimes when I reflect back on my life, I wonder how many opportunities I’ve missed to do something great for the Kingdom of God. How much time have I wasted? How many times have I said, “I’ll do it tomorrow” yet never got around to it. Many years ago, I…