• When God is on the Move

    After the faulty intentions of Ananias and Sapphira led to disaster, the apostle’s ministry continued. God was on the move and lives were being transformed. As the message of salvation spread, opposition grew. The religious leaders were jealous and didn’t want to hear it anymore. They had tried to warn…

  • Victory In Christ is a Done Deal

    Even as I sit here with my Bible open, I am saddened by the evil and sickness that is rampant in our world today. It’s heartbreaking and exhausting and hard not to give in to fear and despair. The enemy’s attacks are on overdrive because he knows his days are…

  • Just as Bad as Them but Saved by Grace

    “Thank goodness we’re not that bad!” After Paul told the Roman Christians about mankind’s godless trajectory, he must have looked around at his audience and saw them nodding to each other as if to agree that “those people” were doomed for destruction. Many of the Christians in Rome were Jewish…

  • An Eternal Trajectory Change

    Have you ever watched someone you love careen down a path that is sure to end in disaster? You want to intervene and change their path, but you feel helpless to do so. It’s as if you are watching a deadly collision about to happen with no way to stop…

  • How To Assign Eternal Purpose to Your Life

    “Live your best life now” and “YOLO” are modern-day sentiments that King Solomon would have related to. He spent his life going after whatever he wanted. Houses and vineyards. Servants and concubines. Silver and gold. Wisdom and experience. He did not deny himself anything. Yet when he reached the end…