Deciding to follow Jesus is an “all-in” commitment. It is not Jesus plus something else. Not a little bit of Jesus here and a little bit of another “god” there. Jesus is not just one of many ingredients we combine to create our own recipe for happiness and fulfillment. He doesn’t want…
God has done it; now I must live it!
I am sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy. (1 Corinthians 1:2) That is an incredible blessing and a wonderful responsibility at the same time. That is a “God has done it, now you live it” statement! To be sanctified means to be made holy and set apart…
Don’t be like Felix!
There are generally three different responses people will have when they hear the gospel message. The best response, of course, is when they realize their need for a Savior and immediately repent and turn to Jesus for salvation. Another common but tragic response is when they down-right refuse the truth…
You are God’s chosen instrument
You’ve got it all figured out! You don’t need Jesus! You have your five-year plan set and your goals laid out before you and nothing will stand in your way. You’ve set your path. You’ve decided your destiny. You’re strong and capable and you’re going to do whatever feels right…
Let God handle your inadequacies
Are you an ordinary person with no special ministry training wondering how you can impact the world for the Kingdom of God? I am! And there’s a verse in Acts that spoke to me very clearly about the fact that God will use even “unschooled, ordinary” people like me to…