Thanksgiving was not a new idea that originated with the Pilgrims. God’s people throughout history regularly gave thanks and acknowledged His gracious provisions. They praised Him even during times of famine, war, exile, and persecution because they had seen His faithfulness and they knew He would come through. “Give thanks…
A Godless Trajectory with Eternal Consequences
The trajectory of an object is the path it follows once it has been launched. A path dictated only by the laws of motion, gravity, and possibly resistance. Our godless trajectory was launched with the original sin in the Garden of Eden. Since then, our free will and sinful nature…
First Things First – What it’s all about.
For a reporter, the lede is a critical part of your story. It is in those first few sentences that you give your readers the most important information. You state the facts upfront and they decide if they want to keep reading. The beginning of Romans reads like the beginning…
Sharing the Gospel…With Words!
The gospel cannot be preached without words! An old Saint has been misquoted as saying: “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words when necessary.” It’s a pithy little quote. I’ve said it, but it never sat right with me. How can you preach the gospel without words? I recently…
Expect Amazing Things
Now that 2020 is in the rearview mirror, I am looking forward to fresh starts and new beginnings. I don’t know about you, but I learned a lot in 2020. Most importantly, I learned to trust God no matter what. And, as always, He’s proven Himself to be faithful. As…