• God is Working in the Waiting

    Deliverance from strongholds and struggles doesn’t always happen overnight, but God is working in the waiting. As the Israelites remained under oppression, they must have wondered what God was up to. They had heard His promise of freedom, but what was taking so long? They watched Him send plague after…

  • How Did I Get Here? The Slow Fade Into Captivity.

    Have you ever noticed that when you end up stuck in a stronghold, you’re not even sure how you got there? One day you wake up and realize you’re a prisoner and you know you didn’t start that way! The same is true for the Israelites. Their journey to Egypt…

  • From Hot Mess to Hope-Filled

    There is something about expecting visitors that triggers a cleaning frenzy in my home. We work together to take care of every little detail, down to fluffing the pillows and lighting the candles. I love how my home looks when it’s ready for guests. But if you stopped by unannounced…

  • Fully Convinced – Faith Like Abraham

    To have faith is to trust in an outcome we can’t see. We have faith in things every day. We have faith that our alarm will wake us up in the morning. That our car will start so we can get to where we need to be. Every time we…

  • Christmas: The Day The Light Broke Through!

    One of my favorite things about this time of year is the lights. Watching them dance and flicker against the canvas of night brings a smile to my face. They are a fitting representation of why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. When Jesus was born, the Light broke…