The Throne Room of God (Revelation 4)… what an awesome place that must be! Sometimes when I pray, I imagine that I am being escorted in by Jesus to present my requests to the Father. As I approach, I hear the chorus of praise coming from inside. The door opens…
Every Knee Will Bow
John 8:12-59 Jesus spoke with power and wisdom. He performed many miracles. He beckoned people to follow Him. Yet many people still did not understand that He was the promised Messiah. “That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM…
Who is Jesus?
John 7:10-30 After Jesus’ brothers had left for the Festival of Tabernacles, Jesus decided to make His way to Jerusalem in secret so that He would not attract attention. The Jewish leaders were watching for Him and there was a lot of buzz about Him in the city streets as…
Jesus Satisfies the Hungry Soul
John 6:16-40 After Jesus miraculously fed the multitudes with just a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish, the crowds of people following Him continued to grow. People were anxious to see what He would do next and hoping for His miracles to extend to them. But Jesus…
Escape the Wrath
The further along we get on the timeline of human history, the further away from the One True God mankind moves. People are creating their own gods based on their lifestyle. Goodness and truth are relative. Evil and injustice abound. The world can’t go on like this forever. God is…