• Baffled … but blinded!

    The apostles’ miraculous jailbreak baffled the religious leaders. There was no human explanation for their escape. The jail was still securely locked, and the guards were still guarding it as though nothing had happened.  But the prisoners had vanished. Did this God-sized intervention suddenly open their eyes to the truth…

  • The Uncomfortable Truth

    John 6:41-71 When Jesus spoke of Himself as the Bread of Life, it wasn’t a popular message. He boldly proclaimed that no one could come to God except through Him. He wasn’t worried about hurting people’s feelings or coming across as narrow-minded. He was only concerned with the fate of…

  • Jesus said, “Come, follow me!”

    (John 1:19-51) In the Gospel of John we meet up with Jesus when He is an adult, but the other gospels give us a little bit of insight into Jesus’ upbringing. He was raised by His mother, Mary, and His earthly father, Joseph, along with His brothers and sisters. (Matthew…

  • The very best “YES”!

    Can you imagine how glad the disciples must have been that they had chosen to drop everything to follow Jesus?  That when they heard him say, “Follow me”, they left life the way they were doing it behind and followed him. No questions asked, and they never looked back. When…