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Ready To Go When God Says “Go!”

The Book of Acts in the Bible is full of stories of people who were on mission for Jesus Christ and the gospel. Their assignments were not always easy, but they trusted in God and the gospel spread far and wide. The story of Saul and Ananias is a good example of being ready to go when God says “Go.”

Saul’s life-changing encounter with Jesus had left his companions speechless. The Bible says they heard something but saw no one. They didn’t know what just happened, but they knew without a doubt it had changed Saul. When he stood up, he was blind, and it was as if he suddenly had a physical manifestation of the spiritual condition he had been living in for so long. He was ready to go to Damascus, but with a whole new mission.

Meanwhile, a believer in Damascus was going about his life, minding his own business, when the Lord appeared to him in a vision. At first, Ananias was ready to mobilize without even hearing the assignment. “Here I am, Lord!” He said. Until he heard the Lord’s instructions. (Allow me to paraphrase.)

“So, you know that guy Saul who has been relentlessly hunting down Christians? Well, he’s in town and he’s blind. I told him I’d send you to him so he could regain his sight.”

I can just picture Ananias’ jaw dropping as he began to protest his assignment. “But Lord.” He exclaimed. “This is the dude who has been doing terrible things to believers. And he’s been authorized to arrest us all! Do you realize what you’re asking me to do?!?” (Paraphrasing again.)

But Saul’s past no longer mattered to God. He had a new plan for Saul and He had decided Ananias would be part of it. So, when the Lord said “Go,” Ananias went.

Ananias obeyed God. He trusted that if God wanted him to visit Saul, He would protect him in the process. The result was physical healing for Saul and a shift in his purpose. His eyes were opened to the truth of who Jesus is and he spent the rest of his life proclaiming it.

It can be scary to step out in faith when God reveals His plan. Does He really want you to put yourself out there for that person? Just the thought of stepping out of your comfort zone makes your heart race and your palms sweat. Then the enemy weighs in with his typical lies: “You’re not qualified to speak up! What if you make them mad? What will people think of you?”

It’s not always easy to go when God says “go,” especially if you attempt it in your own strength instead of relying on His. Remember, the Holy Spirit lives in you and He empowers you. He will work in you and through you. When you feel led to go, you can trust that He will lead the way. And when fear creeps in, remember that is not from God!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. – 2 Timothy 1:7-8 NLT

The world is full of people who need to hear about Jesus. When God arranges the meeting, we must be ready to go.