Jesus had been to Jerusalem before, but this time was different. It was time to publicly reveal His identity as the long-awaited King. He prepared for His triumphant entry by sending His disciples to get a young donkey just as the prophet had proclaimed about the King’s arrival hundreds of years earlier.
As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of that donkey, everyone knew what it meant, and they rejoiced greatly. Their long-awaited King had arrived!
“Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” – Mark 11:9 NASB
The Pharisees also knew what it meant. They knew the Scriptures better than anyone, and they were furious. They insisted Jesus rebuke the people for praising Him and calling Him King, but He would not. Jesus allowed their praise because it was good and right. And He told the Pharisees that the stones would burst into cheers if the people were silent.
No mere man, or “good teacher” would ever fulfill a Messianic prophecy and allow crowds to praise Him. But Jesus was not just a man, nor was He just a good teacher. Jesus was announcing loud and clear what they had been waiting generations for – their King’s arrival.
Jesus is the promised King, the Messiah, the Savior of the world.
Sadly, many misunderstood Jesus’ mission. He had not come to conquer and reign on an earthly throne. Not yet anyway. He had not come to overthrow Rome; He had come to overthrow sin and death.
On that Palm Sunday over two thousand years ago, the people praised the right King but with the wrong expectations.