When I think of meditation, I think of praying and reading the Bible and it is something I start every day with. I find great value in replacing the worldly junk that fills my mind with the promises of God. It also reminds me that I’m not in this alone. When Jesus became my Savior, he also became my guide and it is only when I stay focused on him that everything else is put in the proper perspective. In Psalm 119, God tells us exactly what we should spend time meditating on. We should meditate on his precepts (decrees, laws, statutes) and on his ways. We should meditate on his wonderful deeds. We should meditate on his promises. The Bible is God’s letter to us, and we will never run out of new discoveries when we seek him in his Word.
There’s a lot of talk about meditation in the world today, but something about the meditation I hear so much about just doesn’t seem right to me. It stands in stark contrast to what the Bible says about meditation. Many people spend a lot of time meditating, but not on the Word of God. Just a quick study of why people meditate makes it clear that there are a lot of people that need Jesus.
People meditate so that they can become more mindful and aware of their thoughts and actions. But the Bible says that we should become more mindful and aware of God’s thoughts and of his laws so that we can change our actions. When I meditate on the Word of God, it helps me to take all of my thoughts captive and to make them obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
People meditate to decrease stress. Meditation might help with this in the moment if you can convince your mind not to think about the things that are stressing you out. The problem is that some of these things will still be there when you re-enter the world. Sometimes we face difficult situations that don’t go away just because we stop focusing on them. But in Christ we gain something that settles in our soul even in the midst of our struggles. When I meditate on the Word of God, I gain the peace that passes all understanding and guards my heart and mind in Christ. (Philippians 4:7)
People meditate because it will help them to be able to make better decisions. I’m not so sure how focusing on my thoughts and feelings is going to help me to make better decisions. In many cases it is my thoughts and feelings that lead me to wrong decisions. When I meditate on the Word of God I am reminded that I must trust in God and not lean on my own understanding. Then he will guide me. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
People meditate to experience better overall well-being. Sadly, you’re missing the boat if that is how you’re searching for well-being. God created you and he created you with a purpose. To be in a relationship with him and to bring him glory in all you do. Until you realize that, you will be constantly searching for that one thing that will “complete you”. But God promises that if you seek him with all your heart, you will find him. (Jeremiah 29:13)
It is clear that many people meditate to become more connected with themselves as they seek to experience some earthly benefits. I meditate on the Word of God so that I will become more connected with my Creator and my Savior. That kind of meditation has eternal benefits.