Sometimes I have to remind myself that the Word of God says, “Do not fear!” over three hundred times. Things in the world around us are so uncertain. It’s hard not to be fearful. People are getting sick and dying. Crime is increasing. Hurt and hate abound. If I take my eyes off of Jesus for even a moment, the endless barrage of bad news starts to overwhelm me. That’s when I need to stop and seek the truth in the Word of God.
This morning I noticed fear rising up, so I stopped and meditated on the truth in this verse:
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous hand. – Isaiah 41:10 CSB
God repeated this command (yes, “Do not fear!” is a command) throughout His Word because He knew we would need to hear to it often. And this passage of Scripture reminded me of a few amazing truths:
God is with me.
The God who created the universe is with me. He’s not a distant god who set things in motion then stepped out of the way. He is an ever-present God who loves us enough to be with us in every moment and through every season. No matter what happens, God is with me!
God will strengthen me.
In my weakest moments, when fear and doubt start to gain the upper hand, my strength comes from God. On my own, I will never be strong enough to battle the enemy’s onslaughts. But it is not my strength that fights the battles, it is God’s! (2 Corinthians 12:9)
God will help me.
Whatever I need to make it through my current situation will be provided by God. He has the entire universe at His disposal, and whether He sends His angels to intervene (Psalm 91:9-11) or He employs an earthly saint to come to my aid, God will help me.
God will hold on to me.
Even as the storms rage around me, God is holding on to me. I am so thankful it’s not up to me to hang on, because I know I’d lose my grip. God is the one holding me, and He will never let go.
When the enemy attempts to derail your faith with his lies, replace them with the truth of God’s Word. In the Bible, we are consistently reminded not to fear because God is near. Let that truth bring you peace, comfort, and hope no matter what the world around you looks like.