• Don’t Linger in Captivity

    When we pick back up in the Exodus story, the Israelites had gotten ready to go as the Lord had commanded. They had covered their doorposts with the blood of a spotless lamb as a sign for the death angel to Passover their home. God had made a distinction between…

  • God is Working in the Waiting

    Deliverance from strongholds and struggles doesn’t always happen overnight, but God is working in the waiting. As the Israelites remained under oppression, they must have wondered what God was up to. They had heard His promise of freedom, but what was taking so long? They watched Him send plague after…

  • When Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

    Wouldn’t it be great if things just went the way we wanted them to? Especially when we step out in obedience to God, ready to finally get things right! Couldn’t it just be smooth sailing from here on out? But no… sometimes things seem to get worse before they get…

  • How Did I Get Here? The Slow Fade Into Captivity.

    Have you ever noticed that when you end up stuck in a stronghold, you’re not even sure how you got there? One day you wake up and realize you’re a prisoner and you know you didn’t start that way! The same is true for the Israelites. Their journey to Egypt…