Bring an offering to the Lord.
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Bring An Offering to The Lord

Before Moses passed the baton to his protégé Joshua, God told him to instruct the people on the offerings and Festivals they must do regularly to honor Him. These involved animal sacrifices and burnt offerings that are no longer in effect since the Lamb of God came and completed His work. But I believe there is something to be learned about the rhythms and routines represented. After all, these things were written down as an example for us.

As God’s people were getting ready to enter the Promised Land, He instructed them to begin each day, each week, each month, and each year presenting offerings to the Lord. (Numbers 28) Today, we’re not looking for an unblemished lamb to bring to the altar because God already provided Him, but there are many things we can do to honor God as a response to our salvation. Here are a few of them:

We can daily offer our bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1)

This doesn’t mean we physically climb onto an altar, but it does mean we lay down every part of our life to the Lord. It means we honor God with our physical bodies by caring for them, so we have the energy to serve Him. It means we honor God with our minds by filling them with good things, especially the truth of His Word. And it means we honor God with our hearts by loving others as He does and aligning our lives with His purposes.

We can constantly offer praise and thanksgiving (Hebrews 13:15)

Every good thing we have comes from God. He created us, chose us, and adopted us as His beloved sons and daughters. The fact that the earth is still spinning and that we awoke with breath in our lungs is because of Him. We function in this world because of the desires, talents, and opportunities He has given us. God is worthy of our constant praise and thanksgiving.

We can always do good and share with others (Hebrews 13:16)

The good things God has given us were not meant to be hoarded or wasted. We are equipped so others can be edified and encouraged. We are positioned so those in need can be supported and sustained. Jesus said that every time we show up for someone in need, we are ministering to Him. (Matthew 25:40)

We can consistently give of our financial resources to Kingdom work (Philippians 4:18)

God doesn’t need our money. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. But He has chosen to allow us to participate in the economy of His Kingdom. We are blessed to be a blessing. Our faithful tithing and above and beyond giving enable Kingdom work to happen. We support the local church so it can function as a place where fellowship is fostered, and disciples are made. We donate to organizations locally and around the world so the needs of the less fortunate can be met. And we contribute to ministries and missionaries so the gospel can go out to the ends of the earth as Jesus commanded. (Matthew 28:19-20)

We can continually lift up prayers and intercessions (Revelation 5:8)

In the Old Testament temple worship, the burning incense represented constant intercession before God. It was special and sacred. Today our prayers and intercessions are incense that fills golden bowls in heaven. Prayer is more than just a moment in time where we come to God with our desires (although it is that), it is a cadence of constant communication with our Heavenly Father, and it pleases Him. (Psalm 141:2)

Because of Jesus’ sacrificial death and victorious resurrection, we live under a New Covenant. God no longer requires animal sacrifices because the punishment for our sins was accomplished by Christ on the cross. Today we bring an offering to the Lord not as a means for our salvation, but as a response to it.

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