John 12:45
Bible Study - Holidays - Holy Week

An Urgent Message

The week between Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His crucifixion was a busy one. He had many things to teach His followers, yet so many of them were not comprehending what was about to happen. His message was urgent, and His time was short.

Jesus had eternity in mind. His mission was much bigger than conquering a city. He saw all of time and everyone in it. He saw all their sin and the dark shadow it would cast over their life and their eternity. The Roman government was not His concern. The souls of people were.

This was the reason He had come. To glorify God by giving His life as a ransom for many.

“This is My purpose!”

So as Jesus stood before the crowds to give His last public sermon, His message was urgent and crystal clear! Victory was a done deal! Judgment is sure and the devil is doomed!

He shouted to the crowds: “Listen! Open your eyes! Stop worrying about the government and remember what God has promised all along. You need a Savior. A perfect sacrifice. Here I am. Believe in Me!”

He wanted everyone within earshot to understand that He was the Light that had come into the world. That anyone who believes in Him will not remain in darkness. That He had come to save the world, and those who reject Him will face eternal judgment.

Sadly, many who had heard Him and watched Him still would not believe in Him. Their eyes were blinded, and their hearts were hardened. And many who did believe kept it to themselves because they were more afraid of people than they were of God.

The people present at His triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His final sermon would soon be present at His trial. But they would no longer be shouting, “Hosanna!” Instead, they would be shouting “Crucify Him!” because they did not comprehend His urgent message. They missed the whole reason why He came.