• God’s Gospel: The Power to Save

    Romans 1:1-17 Paul was eager to get to Rome to encourage the Roman believers and be encouraged by them. Even in the face of opposition and persecution, the report of their faith had spread far and wide. So, while he waited for the opportunity to meet them face to face,…

  • Hope: Because God Can Be Trusted to Keep His Promises

    This Christmas season, we celebrate the day that hope arrived. The promise of the coming Messiah was made in the Garden and echoed throughout the pages of Scripture to generations of God’s people. And for thousands of years, they waited. Then, in one fateful night in the humble town of…

  • An Urgent Message

    The week between Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His crucifixion was a busy one. He had many things to teach His followers, yet so many of them were not comprehending what was about to happen. His message was urgent, and His time was short. Jesus had eternity in mind.…

  • Easter – The Ultimate Demonstration of Hope

    Easter is the ultimate demonstration of hope! On the heels of what looked like the worst defeat came the best victory. Jesus’ followers had bet everything on Him. They left their old lives behind to be all in with Him. Jesus had convinced them that following Him would place them…

  • Do you want to get well?

    (John 5:1-15) News about this man from Galilee who was changing lives continued to spread. The things He said and did were attracting the attention of everyone. There was something different about Jesus and people saw it even if they didn’t understand it. After Jesus’ life-changing encounter with the woman…