This morning while I was reading the book of John, I was struck by a verse that spoke to me. Jesus was comforting his disciples as he tried to prepare them for his upcoming death. He knew the sorrow and dismay they would feel when they saw their Lord crucified and buried, and he was preparing them and assuring them that everything was going to be o.k.
He assured them that their love for him would sustain them. That they needed to trust him no matter what. That he would give them peace. That as long as they remained in him, they would bear fruit. He promised them that even though he was going to be gone, they would be receiving the Holy Spirit and that he would be their Counselor and would guide them into all truth. He promised them that he was going to prepare a place for them and that he would be coming back to bring them home! It should be a great comfort to us that these promises were not just for Jesus’ friends 2,000 years ago, but for all of us who make him the Lord of our lives.
Then something Jesus said really hit me! I felt like he was saying it directly to me. “I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the whole world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.” (John 16:20)
Now-a-days in this world of Facebook feeds and news notifications, we are constantly made aware of the sadness and sin all around us. And the worse part about it is how often we see these things being celebrated. The world is literally rejoicing over things that make me weep and mourn. But thanks be to God — he promises that my grief will turn to joy! Jesus is coming back – and everyday this world demonstrates more and more why I can’t wait for that day!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33