
Boldly speak it… Humbly live it

We know that the Bible tells us to go into all the world and share the Good News of Christ’s atoning death and victorious resurrection and to share with them the Word of God. For some of us that may mean a pulpit with a large audience, but for many of us it means sharing the Good News regularly during our ordinary life with ordinary people. But no matter what our stage is or who our audience is, there are some important things to keep in mind. 

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. (Titus 2:7, 8 NIV)

Are we people of integrity?  Integrity is a sadly diminishing value these days, even for many Christ-followers. Many of us are walking around with the Sword of the Spirit in one hand and the swords of the flesh in the other.  The Bible is the most authoritative source on moral living. We need to be doing more than just talking to people about what the bible says. We need to be doing what it says. (James 1:22) Are we living it as much as we’re preaching it?  

Do we take God’s message and our role in sharing it seriously?  How can we expect others to take our message seriously when we don’t even appear to? Knowing God and his Word and acknowledging his one and only plan for salvation (Jesus) is a serious thing. Yes, it is very good news because the alternative is very bad news. 

Are we careful how we speak about God and his Word?  All too often our zeal for the message causes us to speak without thinking leaving a sound byte for others to condemn us with. It is not our job to attack sinners (since we, too, are one) but to show them that God loves them despite their sin and wants to save them from its consequences. Temporal and eternal consequences. 

If those of us that proudly proclaim our allegiance with the One True God are humble enough to lovingly speak the truth and boldly live it – those in opposition to our message won’t have anything to say when they wage their attacks.