Did you watch the presidential debate? If you did, I’m sorry you had to experience that. If you didn’t, you probably slept better than the rest of us. It was terrible! Oh, how I wish we had a candidate that genuinely loves the Lord God and this country. Someone who values the Word of God and the constitution of the United States. Someone who stands for the right of unborn babies and immigrants. Someone who wants to see law and order and grace and mercy. Someone who fights for religious freedom and justice and equality. Someone who believes in individual liberties and taking care of others. Someone who can loudly condemn hate from both the far-left and the far-right. Unfortunately, the elephant and the donkey have moved so far apart that those of us in the middle of the spectrum are left with no good option.
America has gotten so far away from God that it’s no wonder we’re in this mess. It’s been an entire generation since we forced Him out of our schools. With every passing decade, Biblical values are disappearing from the landscape of this country. We openly declare the things God calls evil as good and the things God calls good as evil. The Bible is clear. The result is judgment. (Isaiah 5:20)
If there is any hope for America today, it will only be from God. If He doesn’t intervene and we stay on the current trajectory, the next generation will be raising their children in a country that looks nothing like the founders of this great nation envisioned.
The fate of this nation lays at the feet of those of us who are called by His name! Christians must act now! God made a proclamation to the nation of Israel that serves as a template for any nation that wants God to come to their rescue. This is a command for God’s people and we must rise up and answer the call. It starts with each one of us as individuals and expands to the Church (the Bride of Christ) as a whole.
Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
If we will…
- Humble ourselves. It is brutally apparent today that the course we are on without any thought of God and His word is destroying our country. We need to humble ourselves and go back to the One that controls the future. We need to put God back in the place He belongs in our lives and our country.
- Pray. Ultimately, our battle is not against the people that have opposing viewpoints from us. Our battle is against the devil and his schemes to destroy us. (Ephesians 6:12) The devil is destined for defeat, but he is not going down without a fight. The best weapon we have for this battle is prayer! Prayer will draw us closer to God and align us with His will.
- Seek God’s face. (The Amplified Translation of this verse says “crave, require as a necessity”) We have replaced our hunger for God with a hunger for everything and anything else. If you are a child of God and His Word is not the bread that sustains you, then you will starve. God’s will must be our only desire and the Bible must be our guide. God has promised that when we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him. (Jeremiah 29:13)
Then God will…
- Hear from heaven. While it is true that God never abandons His children, it is also true that disobedience hinders our prayers. (Isaiah 59:2) If we obey God and turn from our wicked ways, He will hear our prayers.
- Forgive our sins. God is looking for true repentance among His people. It is only with true repentance that forgiveness can come.
- Restore our land. Along with God’s forgiveness comes restoration. We know that one day the whole world will be made new and Christ will be the ruler, but in the meantime, it is right and good for us to desire peace and prosperity in our land. The Bible says that when the land we live in thrives, we too will thrive. (Jeremiah 29:7)
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we have our marching orders! It starts with us. If we individually and collectively turn back to God, there may still be hope for our nation. And as difficult as it may be, we must vote. We are blessed to live in a nation that allows us to have a say in our leaders. We need to consider the issues, determine which ones matter the most to us, ask God for discernment, then make the best choice we can out of the available options.
Whatever the results of this presidential election may be, we will still need God. Only God will be able to change the hearts of the people of this nation. All this election insanity is just another reminder to me not to put my hope in anything of this world. My hope is in Jesus, the promise of His return, and my eternity with Him!
Well said! Powerful stuff. It’s sad that unbelievers are more than willing to band together with like-minded people, while Christians can’t even love and pray for our own church family. Why do they think God’s given a suit of armor? Don’t they know that we have been named more than conquerors! What a waste! We’ve been empowered with the name of Jesus Christ so we can take our place as the head and not the tail. We are meant to be warriors who love other rather than going to church, being nice and not swearing! We are too loved to act like we are. Christ gave every drop of blood for us and this timidity must be an insult and a slap in the face to our Lord!
Preach it, Girl! This was absolutely edifying, so thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit and sharing what he reveals to you. 👍🏼
Thank you so much.