The excitement of Sunday had come and gone. Jesus had finished His preaching tour. Judas had betrayed Him. His disciples had scattered. He had been beaten and spit on by the Jewish leaders. And now it was Friday, and He was on trial before the governor of Judea.
Pilate didn’t want to be bothered by this mess. As far as he was concerned, Jesus seemed harmless and hardly a threat to anyone, least of all Caesar, the Roman King. In the cacophony of the accusing leaders, the shouting crowds, and the warning wife, Pilate asked Jesus a question that would reverberate throughout the ages: “What is truth?”
Pilate’s question was a rhetorical one. He wasn’t really seeking truth. He didn’t even wait to hear Jesus’ answer. But whether he realized it or not, the answer to that question has eternal ramifications, and Jesus had already answered it.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.” – John 14:6 NLT
There is only one truth…
Contrary to popular belief, truth is not relative. Opinions can be, but truth cannot. The truth is either true for everyone or true for no one.
Jesus said that He is the Truth. Not a truth. The truth! When God created you, He placed a hole in your soul that only He can fill. You may spend your entire life searching for some “truth” to satisfy your soul, but you will never truly find peace until you surrender to the One who created you.
As Jesus stood before Pilate on that fateful Friday, He remained silent. He had spent three years proclaiming the truth from Galilee to Judea. He had already announced the message of salvation and the blinded eyes and hardened hearts of the shouting crowds had not received it. There was no more to be said.
…and Jesus died for it.
So Jesus was sentenced to death. He was cruelly mocked and brutally beaten. His battered body was nailed to a beam and hoisted up to hang. Onlookers watched as He suffered even though He had done nothing wrong.
As Jesus hung on the cross, darkness came over the whole land. His perfect fellowship with the Father was broken as the sins of all the world for all eternity were laid upon Him. His earthly mission was complete, and He died.
Jesus died for you. If there were any other way for you to be reconciled to God, there would’ve been no need for Good Friday. If there were many truths that could save you, Jesus would not have had to die.
He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the sins of us all. – Isaiah 53:5-6 NLT
If you have not turned to Jesus for salvation, do it today. It’s as easy as A-B-C.

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