• Victory In Christ is a Done Deal

    Even as I sit here with my Bible open, I am saddened by the evil and sickness that is rampant in our world today. It’s heartbreaking and exhausting and hard not to give in to fear and despair. The enemy’s attacks are on overdrive because he knows his days are…

  • The Eternal Spiritual Battle

    As Revelation continues, we get a history lesson about the eternal battle between good and evil. A battle that has been brewing ever since Satan deceived Adam and Eve in the garden and heard the warning from God that one day he would be destroyed. From that moment on, God’s…

  • Victory

    Sometimes I feel like I’m walking through my days as though I am defeated. As though I’ve lost the race but I still need to get to the finish line so I drag myself along, tired and without much joy or motivation. Repeating to myself my sad little mantra; “That’s…

  • Drowning in chaos

    Here I am again. Drowning in a cacophony of chaos! It amazes me how I allow this to happen. I’m moving along in life just fine. Remaining in prayer and in the Word of God. Dealing with life’s trials as they come. When suddenly it’s like there is an onslaught.…